Monday, May 07, 2012

Leonard Cohen Artworks at Brookfield Place

The long hall of the Brookfield Place Allen Lambert Galleria in #Toronto is now showing forty pieces of Leonard Cohen Artworks from May 7 to 19, 2012.
"This May, Leonard Cohen will become the Ninth Laureate of The Glenn Gould Prize, sometimes called the “Nobel Prize of the Arts.” The Glenn Gould Foundation presents a rare glimpse of the works of famous songwriter as well as a glittering concert and gala fundraising event on May 14. Leonard Cohen has been active as a visual artist since his early days in Montreal and Hydra. These uniquely expressive artworks are another manifestation of Leonard Cohen’s poetic vision. Visit for more information."
The exhibition of Leonard Cohen's visual art is part of the Ninth Prize Celebrations in honour of the artist and musician that will also include a musical street tribute on Friday and Saturday, May 11 and 12 in various locations throughout downtown Toronto. See photos of the Friday Street Tribute on my post here.

During the weekend musical street tribute more than 25 artists and small ensembles will perform songs and poetry in public spaces like Nathan Phillips Square, the CBC building on Front Street, Yorkville Parkette and the Bay and Bloor intersection.

Leonard Cohen’s haunting melodies and words will permeate the streets of Toronto as solo artists and small musical ensembles occupy public spaces to enchant the public with Cohen’s spellbinding songs and poetry. More than 25 artists will perform in locations including the business district, key arts and entertainment sites and popular shopping thoroughfares.

See more of his artwork after the jump.

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